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I’m Bradley Ziegler,

I’m a two-time award winning video editor at Gatekeeper Motion Pictures.

There are two passions in my life, the first being for mountain biking I love being on the mountain and the sense of freedom that I feel while I am riding. I am an avid cyclist; I have been riding since before I could walk about 22 years of riding.

Second is for Digital Storytelling, I love creating stories that people enjoy and look forward to seeing. My niche is primarily corporate video, live action film and documentary work

Even though my skill set is primarily in editing, I also work as a camera operator, there are a number of cameras that I know how to use and have a high amount of experience with, such as The Nikon D600, Sony FS100, FS700, Black Magic Cinema Camera, Panasonic GH-4, the canon 60D and my own Canon 6D. For audio I use Zoom H4N, Tascam DR-60D, Tascam DR-40, Lavaliere Microphones, and the Rode NTG-2.